Turinabol is an anabolic androgenic steroid and also known as Tbol. It is available in the Oral form. Turinabol is a modified version of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone). Its chemical denomination is 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone. This modification prevents Turinabol from being aromatized and enzymatic in estradiol. Turinabol has a low androgenic rating. It is also known as light Dianabol. Before using them, you need to be aware of Turinabol side effects. This awareness helps you to follow recommended doses and use them with protection to avoid them.


What Is Turinabol?

Turinabol is an oral anabolic steroid and also known as Tbol. It has very few anabolic and androgenic effects. Turinabol is used for bulking cycles, and it is used for building strength. Sometimes Tbol can be used for dry mass gain. It was developed in the 1960s by researchers in East Germany.

Turinabol is used for both men and women. Turinobol’s action is not immediate. It allows users to increase their muscle mass and strength. It is an anabolic steroid and used to develop lean muscle mass. Turinabol promotes strength, speed, energy and muscle mass. You can buy Turinabol from the top reputable websites.


An extract of turinabol on Stero.is


Turinabol Side Effects

Here we will explain the most severe side effects of Turinabol that occur due to high doses or long term use of Turinabol. It is not necessary for you to face all the Turinabol side effects because that depends on various factors such as your age, gender, Tbol cycle, and Tbol cycle duration.

#1. Heart Diseases And Failure

When you intake Turinabol steroids, it can increase your cholesterol level, which can lead to heart disease and failure. However, Heart disease doesn’t happen overnight, but when you intake high doses or use them for the long term, it can speed things up. Turinabol builds up your bad cholesterol level and makes it more difficult to push working blood and oxygen throughout the body. And as a result, your head needs to work harder to keep you alive.

To avoid this severe disease, you always need to follow the recommended dose cycle with protection. The best way to intake Turinabol is to start with lower doses and increase them gradually up to maximum doses, but too high doses are not good for health. So, follow the recommended cycle with proper duration.

#2. Liver Damage

Many people believe that all oral anabolic steroids are liver toxic as they directly enter your body, the same as Turinabol. But it is not true that many injectable anabolic steroids are also liver toxic. Turinabol is considered a hepatotoxic steroid, which means it is liver toxic. When you use Turinabol for the long term, it may cause various effects in your body, such as hepatic tumours, hepatitis, jaundice, and elevated liver enzymes.

So, we always advise you to avoid long term use of Turinabol doses. However, you can overcome these issues with liver protection. If you intake liver protection such as Samarin or LIV-52 with Tbol cycle, it will protect your liver and save you from this side effect.

#3. Negative Impact On Testosterone

This is a very common and unavoidable side effect of most anabolic steroids. When you intake any anabolic steroids such as Turniabol, it will suppress or stop the natural production of testosterone level. A lower testosterone level, especially in men, can cause various side effects that affect their health. So, if you are using the Turinabol cycle, you need to make sure you have to reproduce your natural testosterone production.

The best way to start reproducing your natural testosterone level is to perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the Tbol cycle. PCT helps you to reproduce your natural testosterone level and brings your body back to its normal state. To perform PCT, you can use well-known supplements such as Nolvadex, Clomid, and HCG.

#4. Fatty And Weak Body And No Sexual Interest

As we told earlier, Tbol decreases your testosterone level, and it will impact your sex drive. Testosterone plays a vital role in men’s characteristics changes, so if you have a lower testosterone level, it can cause a negative impact on your body. Lower testosterone can also make your muscles weak and increase your fatigue.

If you want to avoid numerous side effects such as no sex drive, weak body, erectile dysfunction, infertility, shrinkage muscle and gynecomastia. In that case, you need to use an anti-estrogen supplement and perform PCT at the end of the cycle.

#5. Male Pattern Baldness or Hair Loss

Turinabol has a very negative impact on baldness. We strongly recommend you to avoid Tbol if you are already suffering from hair loss. Noone like baldness in this modern era. People use anabolic steroids and other supplements to improve their physical appearance, so no one wants to face these side effects. Tbol rais your DHT levels, and this will impact your hair follicles, especially in men. When you intake high doses of Tbol, you will lose the hairs on the head, and at the same time, hair grows on your back, torso, and neck. So, always avoid long term use of Tbol.



#6. Other Turniabol Side Effects

Turinabol is mild in nature, so that it won’t cause so many side effects. But high doses and long term can cause various side effects, as mentioned above. Here are some other side effects that will make you understand why we always recommended you to follow recommended doses because long term use of Tbol is not good for your health. Here are other possible Tbol side effects as mentioned below:

  • Gynecomastia
  • Acne and rashes
  • HDL cholesterol
  • Virilization
  • Oily skin


Where To Buy Turinabol?

You can buy Turniabol from various reputable steroid sites. Thanks to the internet! Many eCommerce stores and various steroids websites are selling Turinabol for sale. It is essential to find reputable sites which follow Good Manufacturing Guidelines (GMG). Because only original and authentic products will give you effective results, make sure while purchasing Turinabol, your product is fully traceable.

Don’t buy cheap products because many websites sell fake products by giving them a tag as ‘legal product’. There are no legal or alternative products available in the market; they are just marketing scams to fool you. It will waste your money and time.



In the above article, we have described all the side effects that may be caused due to Turinabol. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use Tbol. The purpose of this blog is to make you aware of all the Turniabol side effects that can affect your health, and we want to show you the importance of recommended cycle doses. This is the main reason that we force you to follow recommended doses, don’t take high doses or don’t use Tbol for the long term.

When you follow recommended doses, cycle duration with protection and perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the cycle, it will help you to face very few or no side effects. Anabolic steroids or Turinabol steroids usage is not always bad, but it is necessary to intake them smartly with protection to get effective results with no side effects. If you need any Tbol cycle advice, you can directly contact our coaching expert (Site coaching expert link); they will guide the best cycle to achieve your goal.