Turinabol is an anabolic steroid and derivative of testosterone. Initially, it was used for medical purposes, and nowadays, athletes and bodybuilders use it as a performance-enhancing drug. Turniabol helps you to improve your physique and overall performance. It increases your muscle mass and makes you stronger. It also increases your recovery rate. Turinabol has a low anabolic ratio. When you take Turnibol properly with the correct dosage, you will get numerous Turinabol benefits. In this article, we will discuss them in detail.


Benefits of Turinabol

Turinabol is also known as Tbol. It is available in oral form. When you follow the correct dose of Tbol, you will get numerous Turinabol benefits. Let’s check them one by one.

#1. Increase Muscle Mass

The main function of Turinabol is muscle mass growth. When you take the correct stack of Tbol, it will give you significant muscle mass growth. Tbol is highly popular among bodybuilders and athletes due to its effective results. Based on a research study, Tbol improves skeletal muscle mass. It is also useful for enhancing athletic performance.



#2. Effective For Cutting Phase

The Turinabol cycle is not only effective for muscle mass growth, but it is also effective in getting rid of excessive body fat. The fact that you gain during muscle building can be eliminated by Tbol from your body. When you consume Tbol, it increases your metabolism rate and helps to reduce your body fat. These features make Tbol a most versatile steroid because Tbol can help you to gain muscle mass, and at the same time, it is useful to reduce body fats.


#3. Available In Oral Form: No Injection Required

Turniabol is available in oral form, so bodybuilders and athletes use Tbol tablets to improve their physical appearance and performance. It is easy to consume; you can just simply take it with water. Turinabol dosage range is between 5 mg to 100 mg. You can buy high-quality Turinabol products from the top reputable steroid websites. It is the best option for users who have a fear of needles.


#4. Faster Recovery Rate

During the workout session, you may face various injuries or muscle cramps. When you intake Tbol properly, it will help you recover quickly from multiple injuries that occur due to high-intensity workouts. It immediately recovers you from injury so that you can do more workouts with great strength.


#5. Greater Strength And Stamina

Tbol increases your metabolism rate and also increases red blood cell count that promotes muscle mass growth, and improves your strength and stamina significantly.


#6. Prevent From Gynecomastia

Turinabol produces less testosterone, and it doesn’t convert into estrogen in most cases. So, taking Tbol won’t cause any side effects such as Gynecomastia and hormonal imbalance. Male users who could get fat deposits in their boobs can also be improbable because Tbol may burn your body fat.



#7. Performance Enhancement

Tbol is a very effective steroid in performance enhancement. It is a very beneficial drug for athletes who want to improve their performance. Tbol has an excellent ability to keep up physical activity at an intense level for a longer period. It increases red blood cell count, providing great oxygen ability to muscle tissue and bringing enhanced endurance. Tbol improves recovery; physical condition results in less fatigue and also enhances your overall performance.


#8. Preserve Lean Muscle Mass

As we already discussed, Tbol gives you very effective results in the cutting phase. Tbol promotes red blood cell production, protein synthesis, and nitrogen retention, which are important for retaining lean muscle mass while losing body fat. It contributes to muscle hardness because it won’t cause water retention. Bodybuilders stack Tbol with other anabolic steroids such as Winstrol and Masteron to get more effective results on adding lean muscle mass.

You will get all the above benefits if you follow the correct dose with the right stack. Let’s discuss the recommended Tbol cycle.


Turinabol Cycle

The Turinabol cycle is different for male and female users. The ideal cycle of Tbol is for eight weeks. Here is the best-recommended cycle for both male and female users.

  • Tbol Cycle For Men

Week Turinabol Liver Protection
1 to 8 60 mg per day 3 tabs per day
  • Tbol Cycle for Women

Week Turinabol Liver Protection
1 to 6 5 to 7.5 mg per day 3 tabs per day



Turinabol Stack Cycle

Many users believe that Tbol solo cycles are not very effective, so athletes and bodybuilders stack it with other anabolic steroids to get more effective results.

→ Turinabol And Testosterone Enanthate Stack Cycle

Week Turinabol Testosterone Enanthate Liver Protection
1 to 8 30 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week 3 tabs / day
9 to 12 N/A 300 to 500 mg per week 3 tabs / day


→ Turinabol, Deca Durabolin And Testosterone Cypionate Stack Cycle

Week Turinabol Testosterone Cypionate Deca Durabolin Liver Protection
1 to 8 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 3 tabs / day
9 to 12 N/A 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 3 tabs / day


→ Turinabol And Anavar Stack Cycle

Week Turinabol Anavar Liver Protection
1 to 2 5 mg per day N/A 3 tabs / day
3 to 8 N/A 10 mg per day 3 tabs / day


Turinabol PCT Cycle

It is essential to perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the Tbol cycle because Tbol usage may suppress the natural production of testosterone levels. Tbol has an active half-life of around 16 hours, so you can start performing the PCT after three or four days at the end of the Tbol cycle. The PCT supplements such as Clomid and Nolvadex help you to start the reproduction of natural testosterone levels and bring your body to its normal state.

Week Nolvadex Clomid
Week 1 20 mg 50 mg
Week 2 20 mg 50 mg
Week 3 10 mg 25 mg
Week 4 10 mg 25 mg


Where To Buy Turinabol?

When it comes to anabolic steroids, 100% purity matters, so it is essential to buy original and high-quality products of Turinabol. Many websites sell fake products or legal alternatives to steroids, so you need to be aware of it. Don’t go for cheap or legal alternatives products because they don’t give you any outcome results.

You can buy Turniabol online (Site link for purchase)from top reputable websites. Only top-quality products will give you 100% results. Turinobol-steiroids.com sells 100% original Tbol products that directly come from leading reputable laboratories such as Prime Pharma, Deus, and Beligas.




Turinabol is a versatile steroid that is used for various purposes. It has an active half-life of around 16 hours, and its anabolic to androgenic ratio is 9:1. Tbol gives you all the above benefits if you intake it correctly with the correct stack. Tbol is the most effective steroid to increase muscle mass and strength. It also improves overall performance and reduces body fat by adding lean muscle mass during the cutting phase. If you have any other doubts on the Tbol cycle or dosage, kindly contact our experts; they will advise you of a 100% freecycle to achieve your goal.