Turrinabol is also known as chlorodehydromethyltestosterone or Tbol. It is a powerful anabolic androgenic steroid available orally, usually in pill form. These steroids are created for non-medical purposes. It was formulated to help East Germany’s athletic team gain advantages in the Olympic Games between 1968 and 1989.

It is not as popular anabolic steroids as others. It has slowly regained the popularity to build muscle mass and strength and help you earn the best possible results in terms of bodybuilding. In this article, we will discuss the best-recommended Turinabol dosage to get maximum results with minimum side effects.


What Is Turinabol?

Turinabol is an anabolic androgenic steroid that is consumed orally in pill form. It works as testosterone, and it is a derivative of Dianabol. Tbol’s chemical structure and characteristics are similar to Dbol. It is a milder version of Dianabol. Turinabol steroids help bodybuilders and athletes to improve their muscle mass, strength, and energy and also develop lean muscle mass. It is also used for cutting cycles with minimal water retention.

Tbol has high anabolic and less androgenic properties. It is not that powerful for bulking or mass gains. It will boost your endurance level, strength, stamina, and faster recovery rate when you consume it properly. When you combine it with the right anabolic steroids stack, it will also increase muscle mass gains. You can find the best Turinabol for sale from here.

Should I Use Turinabol For Bulking Or Cutting?

Turinabol is an anabolic steroid that can be administered by both male and female users. It helps to maintain lean muscle mass while being in a state of prolonged immobilization. During any medical condition of users, Tbol maintains their skeletal integrity. It also allows the opportunity of decent gain in muscularity. It is especially associated with a low-calorie diet.

In addition, Tbol doesn’t represent an optimal solution for the bulking phase. When it comes to building muscle mass or significant muscle mass growth, bodybuilders and athletes use to stack Tbol with other anabolic steroids to get desired results. Tbol has a great ability to maintain lean muscle mass tissue during a low-calorie deficit. So, it is used for the cutting phase. Tbol is a liver toxic steroid, so always use liver protection like SamaGen to save yourself from various diseases and liver damage.


Turinabol Dosage Information

Turinabol can be used by both male and female users, but they have to consume different doses based on their experience level. The typical Tbol dosage range is between 5 mg to 100 mg per day. When you consume Turinabol steroids properly, it will improve your muscle mass, reduce body fats and also enhance your physical appearance. Tbol doses can be subdivided in the morning and evening for the special period of time between 8 to 12 weeks. Here are the best-recommended dosage for male and female users:

→ Tbol Dosage For Male Users:

Beginner Users – 30 mg to 40 mg per day for 4 to 6 weeks cycle.
Intermediate Users – 50 mg to 75 mg per day for 4 to 6 weeks cycle.
Advanced Users – 80 mg to 100 mg per day for 4 to 6 weeks cycle.

→ Tbol Dosage For Female Users:

For bodybuilding – 5 mg to 10 mg per day for 4 to 6 weeks.
For Medical use – 1 mg to 2.5 mg per day for 4 to 6 weeks.


Turinabol Cycle Information

The typical Tbol cycle is for four to six or eight weeks. It can be used as a solo cycle, or people can stack it with other anabolic steroids. Here we will discuss the best-recommended solo and stack cycle of Tbol:

→ Turinabol Cycle For Male Users

Week Turinabol Liver Protection
1 to 8 60 mg per day 3 tabs per day

→ Turinabol Cycle for Female Users

Week Turinabol Liver Protection
1 to 6 5 to 7.5 mg per day 3 tabs per day


→ Turinabol – Testosterone Enanthate Stack Cycle

Week Turinabol Testosterone Enanthate Liver Protection
1 to 8 30 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week 3 tabs / day
9 to 12 N/A 300 to 500 mg per week 3 tabs / day

→ Turinabol, Testosterone Cypionate – Deca Durabolin Stack Cycle

Week Turinabol Testosterone Cypionate Deca Durabolin Liver Protection
1 to 8 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 3 tabs / day
9 to 12 N/A 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 3 tabs / day

→ Turinabol – Anavar Stack Cycle

Week Turinabol Anavar Liver Protection
1 to 2 5 mg per day N/A 3 tabs / day
3 to 8 N/A 10 mg per day 3 tabs / day


Turinabol Post Cycle Therapy

When you consume the Tbol dosage, it will suppress the natural production of testosterone levels in men. So, male users need to perform the PCT after the Tbol cycle. The PCT supplements such as Clomid and Nolvadex help you to start the reproduction of natural testosterone levels and bring your hormone function back on track. Women don’t need to perform the PCT because testosterone hormones are not that much important for female users.

Week Nolvadex Clomid
Week 1 20 mg 50 mg
Week 2 20 mg 50 mg
Week 3 10 mg 25 mg
Week 4 10 mg 25 mg

Turinabol Benefits And Results

Professional bodybuilders and athletes use Tbol to get several benefits and advantages in terms of bodybuilding, including:

  • Increase lean muscle mass
  • Weak Androgen
  • Enhance overall performance
  • Superior in muscular dryness and vascularity
  • Maintain lean muscle mass
  • Reduce body fats
  • High capacity of using oxygen
  • Improve endurance level
  • No estrogenic effects
  • Improve recovery rate
  • Enhance your body strength
  • Improve Mood

Like all other anabolic steroids, if you consume Tbol’s high doses and long-term use, it may cause various side effects such as baldness, liver toxicity, Acne, testosterone suppression, and many more. Always avoid high doses and long-term use of the Tbol.




Turinabol is an anabolic steroid that is used for bulking and cutting. However, it is not effective for bulking because it won’t provide your significant muscle mass gains, but it helps you to improve your strength, stamina, and overall performance. It is also useful to reduce or eliminate body fats and weight. Note that only the correct dose and the right stack of Tbol will give you excellent results. So, if you have decided to use Tbol to achieve your target goals, take free advice from our experts anytime.