Turniabol is a popular oral anabolic steroid with similar characteristics as a Dianabol. It is derived from Testosterone and known as Tbol. Turinabol is a mild anabolic androgenic steroid because it has low anabolic and androgenic properties. It has unique characteristics and is helpful for both bulking and cutting purposes.

Tbol is not effective in gaining bigger muscle mass like other anabolic steroids. Still, it is effective for gaining lean muscle mass, and it helps athletes to achieve their bodybuilding goals without any severe side effects. There are several reasons that you need to learn why Tbol is the best anabolic steroid but before diving into deep, let’s get a quick overview of the best Turinabol cycle.


The Most Recommended Turinabol Cycle

People can run Turniabol solo or stack cycle, but they usually prefer the Tbol stack cycle because it gives more beneficial results to them. The standard Tbol cycle is for 10 to 12 weeks. You have to choose the correct stack and recommended dose based on individual goals, whether you’re performing it for cutting or bulking.

Both male and female athletes can use Tbol to improve their body composition and overall performance. However, female athletes need to take lower doses while men can take higher doses. The general dose for male athletes is between 30 mg to 100 mg per day, and the female dose is 5 mg to 10 mg per day. Here is the most recommended Tbol cycle that users can perform based on their experience levels:



Turinabol Cycle For Novice Users

Week Turinabol Testosterone Enanthate
Week 1 30 mg per day 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 2 30 mg per day 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 3 30 mg per day 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 4 30 mg per day 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 5 30 mg per day 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 6 30 mg per day 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 7 30 mg per day 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 8 30 mg per day 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 9 N/A 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 10 N/A 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 11 N/A 300 mg to 500 per week
Week 12 N/A 300 mg to 500 per week

Important Note: Turinabol/Testo stack will always be more effective compared to a solo turinabol cycle. But the Turinabol Solo cycle gives very good results and is suitable for novices.


Turinabol Cycle For Intermediate Users:

Week Turinabol Testosterone Cypionate Deca Durabolin Samarin 140
Week 1 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 2 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 3 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 4 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 5 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 6 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 7 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 8 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 9 60 mg per day 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 10 N/A 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 11 N/A 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day
Week 12 N/A 100 mg per week 400 mg per week 2 tabs per day


Turinabol Cycle For Advanced Users:

Week Turinabol Trenbolone Acetate Testosterone Propionate
Week 1 40 mg to 80 per day 400 mg per week 100 mg per week
Week 2 40 mg to 80 per day 400 mg per week 100 mg per week
Week 3 40 mg to 80 per day 400 mg per week 100 mg per week
Week 4 40 mg to 80 per day 400 mg per week 100 mg per week
Week 5 40 mg to 80 per day 400 mg per week 100 mg per week
Week 6 40 mg to 80 per day 400 mg per week 100 mg per week
Week 7 40 mg to 80 per day 400 mg per week 100 mg per week
Week 8 40 mg to 80 per day 400 mg per week 100 mg per week


An example of Turinabol packs


Turinabol Cutting Stack Cycle:

Week Turinabol Anavar Samarin 140
Week 1 5 mg per day N/A 2 tabs per day
Week 2 5 mg per day N/A 2 tabs per day
Week 3 N/A 10 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 4 N/A 10 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 5 N/A 10 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 6 N/A 10 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 7 N/A 10 mg per day 2 tabs per day
Week 8 N/A 10 mg per day 2 tabs per day


Turinabol And Post-Cycle Therapy

Week Nolvadex Clomid
Week 1 25 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 2 25 mg per day 50 mg per day
Week 3 25 mg per day 50 mg per day


Why is Turinabol Steroid the Best Steroid For Athletes?

Turinabol steroid is an effective anabolic androgenic steroid that helps athletes to achieve their target bodybuilding goals without any maximum side effects. Moreover, it is a mild and safest steroid, so both male and female athletes can use it. It is very easy to find Turinabol for sale from online. Here are the top reasons that proved Tbol is the best steroid for them:


Lean Muscle Mass Growth

Tbol is not effective for bodybuilders who are looking for massive muscle mass gain, but it is excellent for those athletes who need lean muscle mass growth with better strength and energy. In addition, Tbol is also effective in improving individual athletic performance.

It is a versatile steroid, so either it can be used for cutting or bulking. However, Tbol gives more impressive results during the cutting cycle, so its first preference is to use it for the cutting cycle.


No Needles Required

Turniabol is an oral anabolic steroid, so users don’t need to use any painful needle. They can easily consume Turinabol pills or tablets by mouth, and people can swallow Tbol pills with water. With oral steroids, there is no risk of infections.


Prevent Hard Earn Muscle Mass Gain

Turinabol is an effective cutting agent steroid compound, so it is widely used for weight loss purposes. Users must fear losing their hard-earned gain during a low-calorie diet or cutting cycle, but with Tbol steroid, you can be ensured. It is an effective steroid to preserve your lean muscle mass growth during the cutting cycles.

Turinabol can boost nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, and red blood cell production. It can also improve metabolism rate, which promotes quick fat burning while preventing your muscle tissues. It can also contribute to hard and strong muscle because it won’t cause any water retention.



Quick Recovery Rate From Injuries

Turinabol has excellent effects on the user’s nitrogen retention and red blood cell production. So, it can provide enough oxygen to muscle tissues, so users don’t have to worry about muscle injuries or cramps during their workout. Tbol can quickly recover those injuries in a short duration so that you can do a more intense workout. Tbol helps muscles to operate with more strength/stamina and improve recovery activity.


Improve Efficiency Of Other Anabolic Steroids

Turinabol steroid can bind to SHBG factors that can prevent testosterone from binding to it. It can also free up more testosterone hormones circulating in the overall body. Tbol is an effective steroid that can directly impact users ‘ performance growth or enhancement.

It plays a greater role in enhancing the effectiveness of other anabolic steroids such as Deca Durabolin or testosterone. Turinabol stack gives better results without any pump-up, and it works more efficiently. It can also have less binding activity with SHBG.



Turnbull is an effective anabolic steroid for boosting muscular endurance and preventing users from fatigue. It is also effective for gaining better strength and energy, quick recovery, and improving overall performance. The main advantage of using Turinbol steroid is that it is not an aromatase steroid, so users can gain actual gain without any water weight or bloating. There is also no risk of gynecomastia.

You can contact our experts if you need any other advice or guidance on the Turnibol cycle you can contact our experts.